The latest data from Defra recorded an increase in the UK’s pig meat production in August, but a decrease in average carcase weights.
As of August 2022, UK pig meat production rose to 84,500 tonnes – an increase of 2.1% (1,700 tonnes) since August of 2021. Defra data also recorded an uplift of 4,000 tonnes (4.9%) for the month of July year-on-year, since 2021. Therefore, the total production figure for the year to date (January to August) is 703,100 tonnes, an increase of 3.6% (24,200 tonnes) compared to the same period last year.
According to AHDB analyst Charlotte Forkes-Rees, this year-on-year increase is ‘due to heavier carcases, as when compared with January to August 2021, total slaughter has remained steady’.
On the other hand, 2022 carcase weights have continued with the downward trends that have been seen since late 2021. The average weight of clean pig dressed carcases have reduced to 87.5kg; an easing of 0.5kg on July’s weights, and only 0.3kg above the weights recorded in August 2021.
Clean pig slaughter figures have increased in August of this year, to 932,100 head, an increase of 3,300 head (0.4%) on August 2021’s figures and 49,400 head (5.6%) on July’s throughput.